Director's Statement


I’ve always been intrigued by wolves, especially after going to a sanctuary in Colorado, however, that didn’t mean I knew much about them and the situation that was going on. When I got chosen as a director for The Sacred Wolves, I had a different vision about the film than how it is now. The more I learned about the rural situations and the theme of controlling nature versus letting it take its course, the more the direction of the film changed. The way we approach the reintroduction of the wolves can either benefit or cause more harm to them.


The documentary focuses on the rural versus urban relationship and how the wolves represent the divide between these two communities. Building relationships and trust with each community will help develop an understanding, especially within the rural communities, who will be directly impacted by the reintroduction.


It will also strengthen the empathy towards the wolves, who are just trying to survive in the wild. Wolves have their roles to play in the environment and will bring many changes. The way we approach those changes can either help gear the wolves in the right direction or once again bring them back to extinction.



Hunter Neiblum's Route


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